[FOSDEM] Google, FSFE, safety of women and volunteers

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Mon Jan 11 19:04:02 UTC 2021

(resending with CC as it didn't appear on the list, please quote in full)

On 11/01/2021 18:59, pjotr.public445 at thebird.nl wrote:
> This list is for organising FOSDEM 2021. While I sympathise with some
> of the ideas and sentiments, I don't think it should be discussed on
> this mailing list. Maybe the organizers can set up a FOSDEM policy
> mailing list for this type of discussion, people take it there, and we
> stop the thread where it is now on this list?

In recent times, there has been a lot of talk about people who were
enablers for Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump and other undesirables.

FOSDEM can't be an enabler for Google and their sock puppets any more.

Google is to the CIA what Blackwater are to the police.

FSFE now gets 20% of their budget from Google.  This means that several
booths at FOSDEM, including the FSFE booth, are part of a giant Google
echo chamber.  That is a massive fraud and deception upon the FOSDEM

This behavior is as much a risk to our community as the Solarwinds
attack is a risk to US Government IT systems.  Google is a zero day in
broad daylight.

Moving it to a side channel is covering it up.

Look at the way Google kicked out Timnit Gebru before Christmas.  Truly
evil.  Copy that move from the Google playbook: Kick Google and their
sock puppets out of FOSDEM.


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