Your Fosdem 2015 submission has been scheduled - Please confirm

andreas at andreas at
Mon Jan 19 17:05:39 CET 2015

[ This time in plain ascii. ]

Hello Deb,

You have submitted a talk proposal "Can Distros Make the Link? Let's Package the Customizable, Free Software Web of the Future!" for the Distribution Devroom at Fosdem 2015.
Thank you very much again for your contribution and for helping make Fosdem an interesting conference.

We have now finalized the schedule and your talk is scheduled as follows:

  Title: Can Distros Make the Link? Let's Package the Customizable, Free Software Web of the Future!
  Begin: Sun, 14:00
  End:   Sun, 14:45
  Room:  H.1302 (Depage)

We've managed to allow for any time preferences and constraints you mentioned.
Nevertheless, please do reply to this mail and confirm that the schedule works for you and you are still happy to hold your talk at Fosdem 2015.
The full schedule of the distributions devroom is at

Furthermore, we'd appreciate it if you could review your submission description and abstract and make sure that it is accurate and gives the Fosdem visitor a good idea of what the talk is about and why they should be visiting your talk specifically.
You can access your talk at
Also verify that your biography information is filled in if this is relevant for you.

Some more general information about the schedule:

We have planned a buffer of 5min between talks for setup and to give vistors time to find a seat etc.
Please make sure that your notebook is able to connect to the projector as any delays will cut into the time allotted for your talk.
Due to the many talks we cannot allow any overruns as it would affect every later talk.
In the same vein, please do try to be at the devroom on time. I would suggest to plan to be there 10min before your talk is scheduled to start.
5 minutes safety margin, 5 minutes setup time.

If you would like to verify that your equipment is compatible with the Fosdem equipment please do feel free to drop by Saturday morning between 10:00 and 10:20 and you'll be able to test your equipment.

Despite our initial fear that we'd need to curtail your talk to 45min in most cases we were actually able to give you the requested slot time (+-5min).
Please double check however if the talk duration on the schedule works for you.

If you need any special preparation for your talk: e.g. whiteboard, more chairs for co-speakers etc. please do notify us _before_ Fosdem starts so that we are able to arrange for these things.

Should you have any questions or comments you can contact the devroom organizers at distributions-devroom at
If you're stranded in Brussels and you need to reach us more urgent than email, I'll be having my personal phone with me and you can dial me at +31 6-81110317.
No prank calls please. :-)

Andreas Thienemann on behalf of the Distribution Dev Room Program Committee

Andreas Thienemann, Christoph Wickert, Jim Perrin, Rikki Endsley and Robyn Bergeron

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