[distro-devroom] 2025 Distributions DevRoom - Call for Participation

benny Vasquez benny at almalinux.org
Fri Oct 25 17:54:03 UTC 2024

The Distributions DevRoom returns in-person to FOSDEM for a full day of
distribution-related content in Brussels on Sunday, February 2nd, 2025.

The Distros DevRoom organizers are happy to share that the call for
proposals is now open, and will be accepting proposals until November 30th.
Read on to learn more about this DevRoom, what topics we want to see, and
how you can submit.

Submit your talk to FOSDEM[1] (following the guidelines below), when you're

Important Dates

   - Now - Call for Participation opens
   - 1 December - Call for Participation ends
   - 1 - 5 December - Submissions reviewed
   - 6 December - Speakers notified
   - 12 December - Deadline for speakers to confirm
   - 15 December - developer rooms publish complete schedules
   - 2 February - Distros DevRoom at FOSDEM

Call for Proposals
The audience for the Distributions DevRoom is primarily contributors and
developers of Linux distributions. We may accept a limited amount of
content with a focus on end users, but the Distributions DevRoom organizers
believe most user-focused content better fits in other DevRooms or events.
We happily welcome submissions targeted toward contributors and
distribution developers.

In the CFP submission system, submitters should identify a theme in their
submission that best identifies the scope of their topic. There are three
themes in 2025:

   - OS Development
   - Community in Linux operating systems
   - Emerging topics around Linux development

See suggested topics for each theme below:

*Theme: OS Development*

   - Distribution construction, installation, deployment, packaging, and
   content management.
   - Balancing new code and active upstreams versus security updates and
   minimization of breaking changes.
   - Automation of releases and testing.
   - Delivering architecture-independent software.
   - Creating a secure supply chain by evaluating upstream components and
   providing a secure source for downstreams.
   - Distro-agnostic integration testing.

*Theme: Community in Linux operating systems*

   - Best practices and guidance for contributing in Linux distributions
   and their upstream dependencies.
   - Growing, participating, and working with communities in the
   distribution ecosystem.
   - Cross-distribution collaboration on common issues.
   - Working with vendors and including them in the community.
   - Non-engineering topics inside of distribution communities (e.g.
   documentation, marketing, internationalization, design, community
   operations, etc.).

*Theme: Emerging topics around Linux development*The future of
distributions and emerging trends. This category is intentionally broad to
best capture new ideas and thoughts that do not fit neatly into the above
two themes.

About the Distributions DevRoom
Linux distributions are critical digital infrastructure in the 2020s. In
addition to their relevance today, they are some of the oldest and most
historic Free and Open Source Software communities still in existence. As
the context of Linux distributions changes and evolves since their origin
in 1991, they remain an important fixture in digital infrastructure.

Linux distributions do important work in ensuring various versions of
upstream software work well together and can co-exist. They are also often
responsible for "de-vendoring" upstream software so that security fixes can
be applied more quickly. Additionally, Linux distributions have become the
centerpiece of other important infrastructure projects like containers and
container orchestration software.

This DevRoom provides a unique home for the convergence of several
different Linux distribution communities to share ideas and start
conversations that matter to all of us. Although there are several
different distributions that have different approaches to software
packaging, choice of desktop environments, and various use cases, the
Distributions DevRoom is a historic open forum that is unique to FOSDEM in
making a space for all of our communities to share and learn from each

The Distributions DevRoom organizers can be reached at
distributions-devroom at lists.fosdem.org[3].

Go to the FOSDEM 2025 CFP website[1]. Continuing from last year, Pretalx
has replaced Pentabarf! Log in, and click "Submit CFP"
     - If you don't have an account, follow the instructions to create an
account first.
Your submission must include the following information:
     - Proposal title
     - Type (chose Talk)
     - Track (choose Distributions from the drop-down menu)
     - Abstract (Please enter the text you would like to see on the website)
     - Submission Notes (any other notes for the DevRoom managers)
     - Session image (optional new feature)
     - Use this if you want an illustration to go with your proposal.
Please do not upload files larger than 10.0MB!
     - Additional speaker (only necessary if you are including additional

Click Continue and complete the next page:
     - About your proposal: If presenting software and/or content, which
open source license do you use?
          - FOSDEM is an open-source software conference, please specify
which OSI-approved license[2] your proposal uses.
     - Extra review material: Only shown to reviewers and not published
when scheduled - use this to provide more context that might be helpful to
     - Extra contact details (optional)

Click Continue and complete the next page:
     - Profile picture
     - (Your) Name
     - Personal biography
     - Availability during FOSDEM weekend: for scheduling. Please note: the
Distributions DevRoom is on Sunday, February 2nd.

Once your talk is submitted, the Distributions DevRoom organizers will
review the content.

   - We will try to accomodate as many submissions as possible while
   balancing the types of content and the ecosystems covered.
   - Scheduling is always a bane, so we appreciate speaker flexibility.
   - It may be that your talk isn't selected for the Distributions room,
   but might fit in another room. If so, we will work with you and the other

If you have questions, you can reach out to the Distributions DevRoom
organizers at distributions-devroom at lists.fosdem.org[3]

[1] https://fosdem.org/submit
[2] https://opensource.org/licenses/
[3] https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/distributions-devroom

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and
collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source
software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. FOSDEM
hosts dozens of developer rooms, where community members run tracks on
various topics.

benny Vasquez

Chair, Board of Directors @AlmaLinux OS Foundation

*I am sending this message now because it suits me, but I don’t expect that
you will read, respond to, or act on it outside of comfortable hours for
your time zone.*

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