[FOSDEM] Virtual queuing for food

Kristoff kristoff at skypro.be
Thu Feb 4 13:16:34 UTC 2021


On 4/02/2021 12:50 p.m., Francois Cartegnie wrote:
> We'll have virtual booths/stands. Good.
> Seems we might also have virtual Beer Event. Good.
> Because that's also part of FOSDEM fun:
> Maybe we can set up one Jitsi room for queuing together remotely for 
> food. (unsure if we also need to simulate rain as it might ruin your 
> rooms)
> </joke>
When I send around some mails to promote FOSDEM at work and in the 
Belgian SDR meeting, I also added a link to a jitsi-meeting as a 
"virtual visitor cafe".

As, of course, a conference like fosdem is as much about the talks, as 
it is about talking to people you have only seen online that year, .. or 
a random talk with whoever who happens to stand in front or after you in 
the queue of the foodtruck or the coffee-bar.

I do have chosen to send the link to not to many people, as in a 
video-call only one person can speak at the same time.
So it does not make sense to have to many people in the chatroom at the 
same time.

In essence, I think it is a good idea, but you have to 'frame' it in the 
correct format.


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