[FOSDEM] CFP - AI and Machine Learning devroom

William Jones william.jones at embecosm.com
Mon Nov 13 17:32:22 UTC 2023

We are pleased to announce the AI and Machine Learning devroom.

This devroom is geared toward providing a practice focused showcase and
introduction to the open source AI and Machine Learning ecosystem. We
submissions on topics across the breadth of this field.

This devroom is pitched at new developers. Talks should assume minimal
background knowledge, and not require any hardware or software out of reach
the average consumer.

*Topic Ideas*
We encourage submissions for talks within the following broad areas:
* Techniques for AI & Machine Learning.  For example: generative AI, large
language models, neural networks, Bayesian inference.
* Tools and hardware for supporting AI. For example: tools for data
and data engineering, machine learning tools such as Apache TVM, open
for AI/ML.
* The wider AI ecosystem. For example: AI ethics, AI legal issues, AI

*Other Information*
* You must be available in person to present your talk.
* In order to ensure we can accommodate as many speakers as possible, talk
submissions should fit in a 15 or 30 minute slot (include Q&A).

*Key Dates*
* Conference dates: 3-4 February, 2024.
* AI and Machine Learning DevRoom date: 3rd or 4th Feb 2024 TBC.
* Submission deadline: Monday 4th December 2023.
* Announcement of selected talks: Friday 15th December 2023.

*How to Submit a Talk*
Submit your proposal here: https://pretalx.fosdem.org/fosdem-2024/cfp making
sure that AI and Machine Learning is selected as the track. Please also
which of the two sizes of timeslot you require.

Contact us via email at ai_ml-devroom-manager at fosdem.org with questions or
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