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<p> The return of the graph. It has been a troublesome year with
many ups and downs, but we still want to give researchers, developers,
practitioners and whoever else is interested, the opportunity to come
together and talk about the latest advancements in the open source graph
world. We think that especially now it is important to create a space
where people can share their ideas and gain new inspirations</p>
<p>FOSDEM is an annual software developers meeting attended by
over 8000+ free and open source enthusiasts from all over the world.
Caused by the global pandemic, the FOSDEM 2021 will be the first ever
online-only FOSDEM event. The devroom will take place on Saturday, 6th
February 2021</p>
<p>In the last year, many organizations added graph analytical
capabilities to their systems, e.g. Neo4j, Arango DB and Redis graph, to
fulfill the rising demand of analytical use-cases, often to be executed
on a steadily growing amount of data.</p>
<p>Graph based data science and machine learning approaches are
becoming more and more popular with approaches like graph embeddings and
graph neural networks.</p>
<p>Graph query languages became mainstream. GQL, an effort driven
by many graph database vendors, will be the first query language since
SQL standardized by the ISO. Research groups work on standardizing
property graph schemas.</p>
<p>In previous devrooms we saw many great presentations and
demos. We hope that we will be able to capture some of the spirit of an
onsite event and provide a space for actors and maintainers of graph
solutions, researchers, geeks and open source hackers the possibility of
presenting their latest work. As always, the devroom will invite both,
beginners and experts.</p><p>Find all information at <a href="http://graphdevroom.github.io/" target="_blank">http://graphdevroom.github.io/</a><br></p>
== Topics ==<br>
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<ul class="gmail-feature-icons"><li class="gmail-icon gmail-solid gmail-fa-brain">Graph Data Science - Graph based feature engineering, Graph Neural Networks, etc.</li><li class="gmail-icon gmail-solid gmail-fa-tablet-alt">Graph applications - Research, use-cases, industry experience</li><li class="gmail-icon gmail-solid gmail-fa-cog">Graph Processing / Analytics Frameworks - Neo4j Graph Algorithms, PGX, etc.</li><li class="gmail-icon gmail-solid gmail-fa-code-branch">Graph database systems - Neo4j, ArangoDB, etc.</li><li class="gmail-icon gmail-solid gmail-fa-search">Graph Query Languages - (open)Cypher, GQL, PGQL, GraphQL, etc.</li><li class="gmail-icon gmail-solid gmail-fa-stream">Graph Streaming and its applications</li><li class="gmail-icon gmail-solid gmail-fa-hourglass-half">Benchmarks - LDBC Graphalytics, etc.</li><li class="gmail-icon gmail-solid gmail-fa-project-diagram">Graph Visualization</li></ul>
<p>This list is not closed, other related topics are always welcome.</p>
== How to apply ==<br>
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<strong>Important Note</strong>
The 2021 edition of FOSDEM will be an online-only event.
We will therefore prerecord all talks and perform a live Q&A after every presentation.
Presenting at FOSDEM implies permission to record your session and distribute the recording afterwards.
All videos will be made available under the standard FOSDEM content license (CC-BY).
<p>Talks are submitted via FOSDEM's conference system <strong>Pentabarf</strong>. <br>
In order to submit a talk please follow these steps:
</p><ol><li> Head over to <a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM21">https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM21</a></li><li> Create an account if you do not have one already and sign in </li><li> Make sure your profile information is up to date, including an image and a biographie</li><li> Click on "Create Event"</li><li>
Enter the details of your talk
<ul><li> The title and a short abstract describing your presentation/demo/talk (max. 500 words) </li><li> The intended audience </li><li> Links and background information </li><li> Additional information you want to share with use, e.g., your availability for the Q&A</li></ul>
</li><li> Make sure to select the "Graph Systems and Algorithms devroom" track</li><li> Make sure to select a duration of either 20 or 40 minutes (including 5 minutes Q&A)</li></ol>
== Important Dates ==
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</p><ul class="gmail-alt"><li> 2020-12-13 - Devroom CFP starts </li><li> 2020-12-26 - Devroom CFP ends </li><li> 2020-12-31 - Announcement of the accepted talks</li><li> 2021-01-04 - 2021-01-16 - Submission of the recordings </li><li> 2021-01-16 - 2021-01-31 - Recordings are reviewed and fixed if needed </li><li> 2021-02-06 - Graph Systems and Algorithms Devroom </li><li> 2021-02-07 - FOSDEM ends</li></ul><div>See you soon<br></div></div></div>