<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><div dir="auto">Email is the workhorse of digital communication. It's one of the oldest<br>decentralized messaging platforms, and we must keep implementations up to date<br>with new standards/techniques/programming languages.<br><br># Call for Participation<br><br>The "Modern Email" developer room seeks speakers, volunteers, and participants!<br>We want to get together as email developers/users, learn about each other's<br>projects, have technical discussions, exchange implementation/operational<br>experiences, and share plans and visions for the future of email.<br><br>The Devroom will be held on Saturday, February 1 2025, a full day, with primarily talks<br>on the schedule. The submission deadline for talks is December 1st, 2024. <br><br>* Speaker: As a speaker, you're invited to present your work in the developer room.<br>* Volunteer: As a volunteer, you would be helping us out during the sessions.<br>* Participant: As a participant, whether introverted or extroverted, you<br>are excellent to everyone and make the day!<br><br>Please distribute this CfP as widely as possible to interested parties!<br><br># Topics<br><br>Some suggestions for talks:<br><br>* Overview of the current state of email (as a keynote)<br>* Your free/open source software project(s) related to email. From demo to details.<br>* Current developments, upcoming standards, e.g. JMAP (<a href="https://jmap.io">https://jmap.io</a>),<br>structured email (<a href="https://structured.email">https://structured.email</a>), ...<br>* Efforts to modernize our email ecosystem, e.g., through implementations in<br>modern languages.<br>* Integrating email with other software, e.g., through APIs.<br>* Message/transport security/authenticity.<br>* Experiences with deliverability, email operations, anti-spam, hosting, ...<br>* Related technologies such as calendaring/PIM.<br>* Visionary talks<br>* Where should email be in 10 years?<br>* Can we add end-to-end encryption (to the masses) through, e.g., MLS?<br>* Can we provide simple solutions for on-prem (private) hosting?<br>* ...<br><br># Submission<br><br>We ask for a short talk abstract (+ proposed duration) and a speaker biography<br>(+ contact info). Any material that shows your affinity to the field is also<br>appreciated, e.g., a collection of links to your work, talks, projects, blog<br>posts, etc.<br><br>Submissions must be made through Pretalx<br>(<a href="https://pretalx.fosdem.org/fosdem-2025/cfp">https://pretalx.fosdem.org/fosdem-2025/cfp</a>) no later than December 1st (23:55<br>CET).<br><br>The suggested duration for a talk is 25 minutes (20 minutes presentation + 5<br>minutes Q&A). However, we explicitly invite you to propose the best duration<br>for your talk. If the best way to present your project is a 5-minute lightning<br>talk, we'll happily arrange a lightning session!<br><br>Depending on the proposals, we may contact you to adapt the time of the session<br>to fit the devroom schedule.<br><br>Important: Choose "Modern Email" in the track drop-down menu when submitting<br>your proposal.<br><br>Once the devroom schedule is finalized, we will contact you to help you prepare<br>your talk.<br><br># Side events<br><br>## Pre-FOSDEM Hackathon (Friday)<br><br>Upon frequent request, we'd like to organize an informal pre-FOSDEM email<br>hackathon on Friday (31st of January). Please add your name and ideas to<br><a href="https://hackmd.io/@ndFSGqY1SC6Cc0DEpHHU1w/r1dkwOAeyx">https://hackmd.io/@ndFSGqY1SC6Cc0DEpHHU1w/r1dkwOAeyx</a> if you're interested and<br>if you have ideas/proposals. It would also be great if someone could<br>provide/recommend a meeting space for the event (we'd expect some 10-20 people<br>probably?).<br><br>## Friends-of-Email Dinner (Saturday)<br><br>Following last year's good practice, we'd like to reserve a table for an<br>informal "friends of email" dinner/drinks session either on FRI or SAT evening.<br>Add your name to <a href="https://hackmd.io/@ndFSGqY1SC6Cc0DEpHHU1w/HyMUuORxye)">https://hackmd.io/@ndFSGqY1SC6Cc0DEpHHU1w/HyMUuORxye)</a> or email<br>us if you'd like to join, so we can guess the group size (we were some 20+<br>people last time! Venue proposals welcome as well.<br><br># Recordings<br><br>Talks and Q&A sessions at FOSDEM will be recorded. The recordings will be<br>published under the same license as all FOSDEM content (CC-BY). By agreeing to<br>present at FOSDEM, you automatically give permission to be recorded. The<br>organizers will agree to make exceptions only for exceptional and well-reasoned<br>cases.<br><br># Important dates<br><br>* October 30th, 2024: Modern Email DevRoom open for submissions<br>* December 1st, 2024: Modern Email DevRoom submission deadline<br>* December 15th, 2024: Announcement of final schedule<br>* January 31st, 2025: Modern Email Hackathon (TBD)<br>* February 1st, 2025: FOSDEM Day 1 - "Modern Email" DevRoom day! and Dinner in the evening<br><br># Contact<br><br>For the latest details, see: <a href="https://github.com/modern-email/FOSDEM-25">https://github.com/modern-email/FOSDEM-25</a><br><br>Join the matrix room (also for coordination during FOSDEM):<br><a href="https://matrix.to/#/">https://matrix.to/#/</a>#modern-email-fosdem-25:matrix.org<br><br>Contact the organizers:<br><br>* Benoit Tellier, btellier@linagora.com<br>* Damian Poddebniak, poddebniak@mailbox.org<br>* Hans-Jörg Happel, happel@audriga.com<br>* Mechiel Lukkien, mechiel@ueber.net<br><br>We are looking forward to a great day at FOSDEM with you!</div></body></html>