FOSDEM 2013 - Talk proposal: "Shenandoah - an ultra-low pause-time GC for OpenJDK"

Roman Kennke rkennke at
Sat Nov 30 20:43:13 CET 2013

Title: Shenandoah - an ultra-low pause-time GC for OpenJDK


Current garbage collectors for OpenJDK all need to stop the application
periodically to perform garbage collection tasks. This is a scalability
bottleneck because those pause times are dependend on heap size. This is
a problem for large-scale applications that require 100GB+ of heap.
Shenandoah is a new garbage collector for OpenJDK, currently developed
by Red Hat, that aims to reduce GC pause times to a minimum.
Specifically, pause time are no longer dependend on heap size. It
implements marking and object evacuation to run concurrently with
application threads, and utilizing parallel garbage collection threads.

In this talk I want to introduce the Shenandoah GC, talk about our
motivations, present the technical innvoations that enable Shenandoah to
achieve concurrent marking and evacuation, compare Shenandoah with other
garbage collectors, and finally give an overview of what we plan to do
in the future.

Speakers: Roman Kennke, Red Hat Inc.

Roman Kennke is a long time free Java (and Software) activist,
originally involved in GNU Classpath since 2004, later participated in
opening OpenJDK and since then is regular contributor to several parts
of OpenJDK (AWT/Swing, general class library, lately Hotspot). After
finishing Diploma in 2007 he was employed by aicas, who are building a
hard realtime capable Java VM. During 2009 and 2010 worked for Sun
Microsystems on Java Webstart. After a short period as contractor for JP
Morgan, he's now a Prinipal Software Engineer at Red Hat, where he used
to work on Thermostat, the Zero and Shark port of OpenJDK, and currently
on the Shenandoah GC.

Recording us on audio and/or video is acceptable under a
CC-By-SA-3.0-USA license.

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