DevRoom Proposal: Scala Collections or Java 8 Streams On Type Steroids

François Garillot francois.garillot at
Tue Nov 18 14:15:48 CET 2014

This talk is a collections  / streams deep dive for the functional
programmer on the fence between Scala and Java.

Among those of us who have picked up Scala, who hasn't — at first at least
— been puzzled by an error message regarding the enigmatic `CanBuildFrom` ?
And with the arrival of Java 8 and its streams, isn't it time to wonder
which approach to adopt when coding with collections ?

We'll start with a quick comparison between Scala collections and Java
stream, before looking at their internals, showing through compiler errors,
performance benchmarks and type wizardry that those are really two tools
with different design goals.

You should come out of this talk wiser about when to use the Java or the
Scala approach, and better equipped to deal with potential compiler errors
in the future. This talk is built in a progressive way, and there will be
some takeaway for every skill level, both in Java and Scala.

Recording me on audio and/or video: YES

Bio : François Garillot joined Typesafe in 2011 after a past life in type
theory. He worked at the interface between the Scala compiler and
interactive requests, such as those made by the Scala IDE. He now works on
big data analytics on the JVM, with a keen interest in Spark.

Blog :

François Garillot
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