Proposal: Hunting the bug from Hell

Andrew Haley aph at
Mon Nov 30 12:51:09 CET 2015


Imagine you receive a report of a bug which causes a segfault (i.e. a
memory exception) in the HotSpot Java VM very occasionally.  This bug
only occurs about one time in ten; it might take many hours before it
happens.  It has only been observed when running one particular piece
of proprietary software.  It only seems to occur on one large machine
when running many concurrent threads and a huge heap.  There is a
clue: it only seems to happen when running the parallel scavenge
garbage collector.  But you've no real idea of how the garbage
collector works.

This happened to me in 2015.  I'm used to being able to find and fix
bugs, but this one resisted all of my attempts for a long time.  As
far as I can recall it's the most difficult bug I've ever fixed.  In
hunting this bug I used every tool available to me as a HotSpot
developer.  I'll describe them and how they were used.

We don't much talk about debugging.  Many of us spend much of our time
doing it, but not talking or writing about this important activity.
We should talk about it more.  If there's time it would be good to
swap war stories.


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