Would an introduction to a not-yet-functional OS be accepted?

Martin Decky martin at decky.cz
Mon Dec 13 09:43:40 UTC 2021

Dear Andrew,

> Would an introduction to an OS that is not yet functional
> but has most of the architecture planned out be accepted?

Yes, I think that this is a very fitting topic for the devroom. Please 
do submit your talk using Pentabarf.

> I'd be interested in giving an introductory presentation (loosely
> following the top section of my architectural notes file).

Great, looking forward to it!

Given the expected audience (i.e. the designers and developers of other 
microkernel-based OSes), I humbly suggest you focus on the points where 
your design differs from the previous/other approaches and what should 
be the benefits. Thanks!

Best regards

Martin Decky

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