[Open-source-gamedev-devroom] Talk proposal: Explaining the quake3 virtual machine

Ludwig Nussel ludwig.nussel at suse.de
Thu Dec 20 10:00:00 CET 2012


> - Their name

Ludwig Nussel

> - The project they are associated with

ioquake3 (http://ioquake3.org/)

> - A (short) bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name

When id software released the source code of Quake 3 Arena Ludwig ported
the game to x86_64 and the patch became the first actual code change in
ioquake3. He wrote the initial virtual machine backend to translate the
Quake 3 byte code to native x86_64 instructions. For a living Ludwig
works in the openSUSE team for SUSE.

> - (optionally) a picture of themselves
> - The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the booklet)

Explaining the Quake 3 virtual machine

> - A (short) abstract describing the session in further detail.

Many games separate game logic and engine to allow user modified game
play, so called 'mods'. To make such mods portable across CPUs and
operating systems Quake 3 allows to compile regular C code to a Quake3
specific byte code. The byte code is then translated to native
instructions by the game when loading the mod to achieve near native
performance. This talk explains how the virtual machine works and how
it's possible that Quake 3 supports both native shared objects as well as
byte code VM's.

> - The desired approximate duration for the session.

45 min

> - The desired timeslot in which they want to hold the session.

I have no preference


 (o_   Ludwig Nussel
 V_/_  http://www.suse.de/
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg) 

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