[Open-source-gamedev-devroom] talks and general procedure for the games devroom

Nils Kneuper crazy-ivanovic at gmx.net
Fri Feb 3 09:29:34 CET 2012

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Am 15.01.2012 12:49, schrieb Nils Kneuper:
> * (maybe) It is not sure yet if there will be some bottled water for you 
> during your talks. I'll try to find some supermarket when arriving on
> Friday to buy some sixpacks, but can't guarantee that there will be a
> bottle of water per speaker.

Okay, by now I know that there most likely won't be bottled water for you. The
problem is easy: Due to the low temperatures it is not possible for me to
store the water in my car and have it usable (meaning: not in the form of a
block of ice) during your talks. There won't be "free bottled water" supplies
for speakers from the FOSDEM organizers either (it would be too much
additional organizational overhead on an already spread thin staff).

Sorry for this. You should make sure to eg get something to drink from the
stall that FOSDEM has.
See you on Sunday,
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
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