Volunteers required for video recordings for the FOSDEM games devroom

Nils Kneuper crazy-ivanovic at gmx.net
Sun Jan 5 17:38:55 CET 2014

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Hi Folks!
I am writing this to you since I know that many people reached with this mail
are either coming to FOSDEM 2014 or even holding a talk there. In the past
years at FOSDEM there was only a very limited coverage of video recordings.
This year the FOSDEM staff wants to have every single talk covered.

For this endeavor they provide the equipment but ask the people in the devroom
to handle the recording. What needs to be done for this is described under
[1]. I won't be doing this by myself so I am asking your for help and to ask
people you know to help with the recording. Basic requirement is to spend some
time in the games devroom at FOSDEM 2014 on Saturday. If you plan to be there
anyway, consider helping (this way you also have a guaranteed place in the
devroom, even if it would otherwise be completely filled out! Yes, the room
being closed due to too many people happened before...).

If someone is willing to help, please contact me and Wouter.
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

PS: If you are a speaker and do not want to have your talk recorded, please
state so right before starting. Then we can stop the recording for that talk.
Though personally I would love to have all talks recorded.

[1] https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/video/2014-January/000078.html
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