Nethserver proposal for distribution devroom

Alessio Fattorini alessio.fattorini at
Thu Dec 18 09:23:31 CET 2014

Anyone on this?
Please let me know

On 15/12/2014 09:57, Alessio Fattorini wrote:
> Hi guys,
> as Tias suggested me, I'm asking if you have yet a single slot for my
> talk, already submitted on lightning talks.
> I past below Tias's email and a briefly description.
> Have I to switch my submission on distribution devroom?
> I'm waiting for you answer :-)
> Alessio
> On 07/12/2014 15:35, Tias Guns wrote:
>> Hey Alessio,
>> You might want to consider contacting the distributions devroom, that
>> could be a good fit and they might have room for more than a 15m slot
>> for you.
>> (don't hesitate to contact them even if their deadline is already
>> officialy over).
>> Kind regards,
>> Tias
> ##
> Submission notes:
> I hope other people and communities will join NethServer Project because
> joining our community is a great way to interact with other users, ask
> questions to sysadmin and developer professionals, increase awareness of
> the work that you are doing, improve your skills, or give back. The aim
> is to have widespread, innovative, robust and well tested product
> Abstract:
> What’s NethServer? An operating system designed for small offices and
> medium enterprises, based on CentOS/RHEL, the widespread and popular
> server distribution, with some extra packages, particularly a powerful
> and extensible web interface that simplifies common administration tasks.
> NethServer is focusing on maintainability, extensibility and standard
> compliance with CentOS. It’s designed for the sysadmin who appreciates
> the effectiveness of a user interface which saves time compared to
> configuration file modification and for users who want to approach
> CentOS without having Linux skills.
> Full Description:
> Administering a Linux OS like CentOS requires you to break down an high
> knowledge barrier to obtain a comprehensive solution. Consider this
> example: a system administrator needs to create a CentOS-based mail
> server on a VM or cloud instance. The administrator installs CentOS,
> along with: Postfix, Cyrus IMAP (or Dovecot), SpamAssassin, ClamAV (from
> EPEL), OpenSSL for user certificates. He pulls it all together with
> OpenLDAP for user and group management. Now all that needs to be done is
> configuring all those open source packages into a cohesive mail
> solution. When that's done, he breakouts the OpenSSL documentation to
> figure out all the security certificate jargon.
> NethServer does all this stuff with some clicks and minimal configuration.
> What’s NethServer? An operating system designed for small offices and
> medium enterprises, based on CentOS/RHEL, the widespread and popular
> server distribution, with some extra packages, particularly a powerful
> and extensible web interface that simplifies common administration tasks.
> NethServer is focusing on maintainability, extensibility and standard
> compliance with CentOS. It’s designed for the sysadmin who appreciates
> the effectiveness of a user interface which saves time compared to
> configuration file modification and for users who want to approach
> CentOS without having Linux skills.
> NethServer architecture explicitly supports developers by making it easy
> to install and integrate additional software. We quickly added some
> pre-configured modules, installable with a “single click”, for example:
> LAMP framework,  Caching + filtering web proxy with SSL filter (Squid),
> Groupware (SOGo), Bandwidth Monitor (ntopng),  Mail Server with Antispam
> and Antivirus (Postifx + Spamassassin + Clamav + Amavis), VPN (OpenVPN
> and IPsec/L2TP), Firewall (Shorewall), Intrusion detection (Snort),
> ownCloud.
> NethServer is an open source project, all the sources are under the GPL,
> all the documentation is under CC and everyone can access the bug
> tracker and join the project.
> So far it has been designed and supported almost entirely by a company
> called Nethesis (an Italian IT company of Linux enthusiasts, committed
> to FOSS since 2003) but now we hope other people and communities will
> join (see our community channels to get in touch with us and contribute
> The aim is to have a widespread, innovative, robust and well tested
> product.

Alessio Fattorini - @ale_fattorini
Nethesis srl - Pesaro (Italy)

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