[distro-devroom] devroom area for Ubuntu and openSUSE

Justin W. Flory (he/him) jwf at redhat.com
Wed Nov 22 19:29:23 UTC 2023

Hi Douglas! With Richard's permission, I am moving this thread to the
distributions-devroom@ mailing list so all our devroom stakeholders can be
on the same page. For any unaware readers, Ubuntu and openSUSE did not
receive a booth at FOSDEM this year, and I offered to make space in our
devroom for Ubuntu and openSUSE to "set up shop" with the usual swag and
goodies they would bring to FOSDEM. I figure this might also be a draw for
getting more people to the Devroom. 🙂

I suspect most of this will be figured out on-site, once we know the day of
the devroom, what room we are in, and what extra space we have available
(e.g. any free tables). In 2023, we had a large table in the front of the
room that we opened up for any swag people wanted to share with attendees.
I suspect we could likely find a table to drag over to the side of the room
for people to lay out their swag.

As for beer, I am not sure if there are special rules or not for the
classrooms that the FOSDEM organizers usually put us in, but I will forward
this to the devroom-organizers@ mailing list and see if beer in the Devroom
is on the table or not (see what I did there?).

Looking forward to having our Ubuntu and openSUSE comrades-in-Linux
together in February!

On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 6:55 AM Douglas DeMaio <Douglas.DeMaio at suse.com>

> Hi Justin and Richard,
> Philipp and I are in contact. Thank you for the offer of letting us have a
> spot in the devroom. We'll plan on bringing some swag along and we're
> synced. Please let us know if there is anything you need from us. As a side
> note, should I or should I not bring some beer?
> v/r
> Doug

*Justin W. Flory* (*he/him*) || 📧 jwf at redhat.com || 🔗 jwf.io
*Fedora* Community Architect
TZ=America/New_York (UTC-4) 🕗
*Upcoming PTO: 23 November to 14 December*

While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no
expectation to receive a reply outside yours.

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