[FOSDEM] New online ics files agenda are wrong

Bruno Friedmann bruno at ioda-net.ch
Thu Feb 5 16:13:47 CET 2009

Hi all fossdemer's

I've just try to refresh my agenda with all new event but the file downloaded on fosdem website doesn't load
in sunbird, korganizer nor google-calendar.

There's some errors with the END:VEVENT placement .

Here how I transform the wrong to have a loadable calendars

sed -e "s/END:VEVENT$/\\r\\nEND:VEVENT/g" < fossdem_wrong.ics > fossdem.ics
afterthat a dos2unix fossdem.ics

Et voilà.

I'm trying to join the corrected file as attachement.
But it would certainly be better if it comes from fossdem organizers.

ps : to check validity of and exported ics file, just try to import it inside google-calendar or other software mentionned at
the beginning.

Happy to see you at Bruxelles tomorrow afternoon.

Oh my god ! It's not inserted inside the calendar ... :-)))
Resend with little data


     Bruno Friedmann

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