[FOSDEM] Running a GSM BTS at fosdem ?

246tnt at gmail.com 246tnt at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 12:52:40 CET 2010

Opps, forgot to answer one question :

> My main concern is logistics. I doubt you have BIPT approval to accept  
> not registered with you. How will you get people to register?

The same thing that @ 26c3. Basically people have to pre-register on a  
website. Either their IMEI (via *#06#), or their IMSI if they know it.

Then on the network, when a phone tries to register :
- We ask for both IMSI & IMEI
- If the IMSI is allowed, we accept the user
- If the IMEI is allowed, we mark the current IMSI as allowed in the DB and  
accept the user
- If none of the above, we send a temporary congestion error. (the phone  
will then try other operators / bts and work normally).


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