[FOSDEM] Budget outline for FOSDEM, needed to organize other project

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Tue May 3 04:02:14 CEST 2011

Philip Paeps schreef op za 23-04-2011 om 15:42 [+0200]:
> and I'm sure accommodation in Africa is cheaper than in Brussels. 

In reality, commercially important cities in Africa are often (much)
more expensive than Brussels if you want accommodation with "the usual
western comforts".  And Brussels is _relatively_ cheap when it comes to
accommodation anyway; IIRC it's generally between 20th & 50th place in
lists of "the world's most expensive capitals", depending on how that's

(Fortunately for Jakub, Nairobi seems to be less expensive than Brussels

Jan Claeys

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