[FOSDEM] FOSDEM 2018 - Tool the Docs devroom - CFP

Kristof Van Tomme kristof at pronovix.com
Fri Nov 17 23:12:26 CET 2017

We are super excited to announce the “Tool the Docs” devroom at FOSDEM

With it we want to focus on free and open source tools for writing,
managing, testing and rendering documentation. It will run on Sunday 4th
February for half a day.

*Why to present

FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in
the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus
Solbosch. In 2018, it will be held on Saturday, February 3, and Sunday,
February 4.

We are inviting proposals for talks on the subjects above, plus any related
topics you think might fit into the devroom. We welcome proposals from
those working with tools for documentation as well as those creating and
maintaining them. This is a great opportunity to show new ideas and
developments to a technical audience from a wide range of free and open
source communities. Please do keep in mind that product pitches are not
allowed at FOSDEM.

*How to submit

We are accepting talks of 20-30 minutes, with time for questions afterward.
If you want less or more time, please let us know in your submission.

All submissions have to be made in the Pentabarf event planning tool:

While creating your proposal, please provide the title of your talk, a
short abstract (one or two paragraphs), some information about yourself
(name, bio, and photo, but remember that your profile might be already
stored in Pentabarf).

*Getting started with Pentabarf

1. Don’t panick!

2. To submit your talk, click on “Create Event”, then select the “Tool the
Docs” devroom as the “Track”. Otherwise, your talk can’t even be considered
for a devroom at FOSDEM!

3. If you already have a Pentabarf account from a previous year, even if
your talk was not accepted, please reuse it. Create an account if, and only
if, you don’t have one from a previous year. If you have any issues with
Pentabarf, please contact ode-devroom-manager at fosdem.org.

The deadline is December 12th, 2017. Accepted speakers will be notified by
December 30th, 2017.

*Recording Permission

The talks in the Tool the Docs devroom will be audio and video recorded,
and possibly streamed live too.

In the “Submission notes” field, please indicate that you agree to have
your presentation recorded and published under the same license as all
FOSDEM content (CC-BY). For example: “If my speech is accepted for FOSDEM,
I hereby agree to be recorded and to have recordings - including slides and
other presentation related documents - published under the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International License. Sincerely, Name”.

See you at FOSDEM!
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