[FOSDEM] 20 years of t-shirts - a photo op?

Richard Ibbotson richard.ibbotson at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 10:28:10 CET 2020


>> I’ll gladly wear the 2000 OSDEM one
> But the year _was_ an "off-by-one" error ...
> s/2000/2001/

I sill remember the t-shirt. I could wear my original SuSE not
openSUSE t-shirt. But.. don't want to upset the Debian people :) At
about 2000/2001 we were thinking that Fosdem was going to fail. Not
enough people. Looks like we were wrong. Nice to see that the
conference that I started back in 1994 as OSDEM has survived this
long. Even if it's not quite the same thing. I remember RMS claimed
all of the credit for my own work with - https://www.ulb.be/. Which I
never mentioned to anyone else. Never mind. We had some effect on the
world around us. That was important at the time and probably even more
important at a time when people like Trump claim that they are
political leaders.




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