[FOSDEM] FOSDEM to Go app for iOS

Horst Gutmann horst at zerokspot.com
Tue Feb 25 08:10:34 CET 2020

Hi :)

Right before this year’s FOSDEM I started working on a new iOS app for keeping track of all the talks I wanted to attend. It was mainly done as an exercise for me to learn Swift and UIKit but perhaps it will also be useful to others.

The code is available on https://github.com/zerok/fosdem-to-go and there is currently a TestFlight going on for version 0.1 with plans to move it into the AppStore in the next couple of weeks. The app uses a custom logo which is at least partially related to the official FOSDEM logo: https://github.com/zerok/fosdem-to-go/blob/master/FosdemToGo/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/iphone%20app%403x.png

I have one question regarding the logo, though: Do I need to put credits for the official logo somewhere into the app? There *will* be a part in the credits informing the user that the schedule is fetched directly from fosdem.org.

The application has far fewer features than https://github.com/johanhenselmans/fosdem but it works in a different way regarding how information is organized and presented.

Kind regards,

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