Talk Proposal: Opening the Oracle JDK features

Matthew Gilliard matthew.gilliard at
Fri Oct 27 17:34:37 CEST 2017

Thanks for reading :)

Title: Opening the Oracle JDK

> We are going to open-source all of the features in the
> Oracle JDK. There will be zero differences between the
> OpenJDK and the Oracle JDK.

  -  Mark Cavage, JavaOne keynote October 2017

This announcement by Mark got a big round of applause, but what does
it actually mean? What are the commercial features and when will they
be available? I'll talk through some of them, focusing mainly on those
which are interesting and/or likely to be released soon.

Speaker Bio:
Matthew is a (somewhat) functional programmer who enjoys all kinds of
language nerdery as well as whisky.
He currently works on open-source code at Oracle, helping to make Java
in the cloud as good as it can be.
Past lives include OpenStacking, teaching English to highschoolers and
a whole lot of Clojure and Java.

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