Talk proposal: JDK 9 TLS security enhancements in practice

Martin Toshev marto8808 at
Mon Oct 23 23:08:44 CEST 2017

JDK 9 TLS security enhancements in practice


The JDK has been kept up to date with latest releases of the SSL/TLS series
of protocols by providing a blocking SSLSocket-based API and a non-blocking
SSLEngine-based one.
JDK 9 brings a lot of cool new TLS-related security enhancements such as
DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security), ALPN TLS extension and OCSP
stapling among others. In the session we will demonstrate them in a series
of example use cases using a simple application server for the purpose.

Martin is an IT consultant, Java enthusiast and a board member of the
Bulgarian Java user group where he helps with the organization of the
jPrime conference. His areas of interest include the wide range of
Java-related technologies, messaging brokers (especially RabbitMQ for which
he recently authored a book), software integration, cloud-based software
architectures, security, relational and NoSQL databases. You can reach him
for any Java and FOSS-related topics (especially Eclipse and the OpenJDK).
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