Talk Proposal: OpenJDK GCs of Today and Tomorrow

Roman Kennke rkennke at
Wed Dec 12 18:44:14 CET 2018

OpenJDK GCs of Today and Tomorrow

This talk intends to show a brief overview of the recent improvements in
OpenJDK GCs, what are the problems modern GCs are trying to solve, and
what are the challenges ahead. For example, the need for more concurrent
GCs with compaction; the need for runtime support for concurrent
reference processing and class unloading; the need for more efficient
GCs, even when they fail; the need for GCs that can target denser memory
footprint scenarios, etc. On top, the practical engineering concerns how
to fit all that in a single JVM, multiple backends and compilers.


Speaker Bio:
Roman Kennke is Prinipal Software Engineer at Red Hat, where he worked
and works on OpenJDK and several related projects, including Thermostat,
the Zero and Shark ports of OpenJDK, and currently on the Shenandoah
Garbage Collector. In past lifes, he worked at aicas (realtime Java VM),
Sun Microsystems (Webstart, Swing) and JP Morgan (you don't want to know).

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