Talk Proposal: Unit Testing with Junit Jupiter / JUnit 5

Karl Heinz Marbaise khmarbaise at
Wed Dec 12 19:03:45 CET 2018

Title: Unit Testing with JUnit Jupiter / JUnit 5

  This talk will give you an overview about the usage of JUnit Jupiter
  platform (aka JUnit 5) and how to use it as unit testing foundation
  in Java. It will be shown which kind of options the new platform
  will offer. For example things like extensions or dynamic test
  generation. Also it will be taken into acount how it can be used
  in Maven builds.

  45 Minutes


Speaker Bio:
Karl Heinz Marbaise is a german freelancer which is working in Java for 
about 15 years furthermore he is an Apache Maven PMC member and supports 
the development of Apache Maven in his spare time. Apart from that
he is supporting customers in differencet areas of build management
like Jenkins/Nexus etc.

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