Talk Proposal: Java Checkpoint/Restore

Christine Flood chf at
Mon Oct 29 19:42:47 CET 2018

Title: Java Checkpoint Restore

Java has evolved significantly in the past 20+ years.  Users still
want to run highly scalable monolithic applications, but now they also
want to run in the cloud with fast startup and small footprint.
Checkpointing will solve at least half of that problem.  I'll show you
how to  checkpoint your java application and then restore it on a
different machine, or several different machines.  An application that
might take minutes to warm up, can be warmed up, garbage collected,
etc and then checkpointed.  Users can restore Java processes in ms.
I'll give an overview of CRIU (Checkpoint Restore In Userspace) a
Linux utility that Java checkpointing is based on, present the
proposed Java API,  and then demo some interesting use cases.

Recording me on audio and/or video is acceptable under a CC-BY-2.0
license (DEFAULT)

Brief Bio:
Christine Flood has been working on programming language design and
implementation for over 20 years. She's worked for academia and
industry from the labs to the trenches. She's currently focused on
checkpointing for Java and she can't wait to tell you about it.

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