Talk proposal: Shenandoah 2.0

Roman Kennke rkennke at
Fri Nov 22 17:36:58 CET 2019

I'd like to propose the following talk for the Java DevRoom:

Title: Shenandoah 2.0

Abstract: Shenandoah GC landed in JDK12 about a year ago, giving OpenJDK
another low-pause garbage collector. It has undergone substantial
changes since then. Specifically we have a new barrier scheme, and have
eliminated the extra forwarding pointer word per object, thus
substantially reducing memory footprint. After giving a general
introduction to OpenJDK GC landscape and Shenandoah GC, this talk
focuses on those recent changes in Shenandoah and what's in it for you.


Roman Kennke is Prinipal Software Engineer at Red Hat, where he worked
and works on OpenJDK and several related projects, including Thermostat,
the Zero and Shark ports of OpenJDK, and currently on the Shenandoah GC.
In past lifes, he worked at aicas (realtime Java VM), Sun Microsystems
(Webstart, Swing) and JP Morgan.

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