The sinous path to Valhalla

Remi Forax forax at
Fri Nov 22 11:45:04 CET 2019

Hi all,
want to know more about the OpenJDK Valhalla project, about value^H^H^H^H^H inline types or to why we are 5 years in the making and still no JEP,
this talk is for you :)

title: The sinous path to Valhalla
    When Java was created at the beginning of the 90s, the cost of a pointer dereference and the cost of addition were roughly similar.
    Nowadays, we have hardware with hundreds of gigs of RAM, the cost of a pointer dereference is at least 2 order magnitude the cost of an addition,
    so the Java model of every object is a reference to an address in RAM is not fully aligned anymore with the current state of the hardware.
    It's time for a little lifting.

    During this session, I will tell the history of the Valhalla project, the choices that have been made, the breakthrough we had,
    what still needs to be done and when the project will land in the main OpenJDK branch.

    This talk is for the courageous that are not afraid about bytecode representation and work in progress details.

Audio & Video recording: ok

Short Bio: Remi Forax, Researcher, Teacher at Paris East University. One of the fathers of the invokedynamic bytecode, Java Champion that brought you lambdas, modules (yes i know), records, and more.
Github repo:


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