Microkernel Devroom 2021 talk recordings

Martin Decky martin at decky.cz
Wed Jan 6 21:13:52 UTC 2021

Dear speakers,

despite the fact that some instructions from the FOSDEM organizers are 
still not 100% confirmed as final, I would like to ask you to start your 
work on the recordings of your talks so that you have at least the first 
version ready for upload by January 15th. Thank you!

I summarize all the relevant information and suggestions that are 
currently available regarding the recordings below. In case you 
encounter any issues or would need some help with recording your talk, 
please do not hesitate to approach me directly.

Technical requirements for the video [1]:

* Resolution: 1280x720
* Frame rate: 25 fps
* Video codec: H.264 video codec, main profile
* Video bitrate: <= 2 Mbit/s
* Audio codec: AAC audio codec
* Audio sample rate: 48 kHz mono
* Audio bitrate: 128 kbit/s
* Media container: MP4

The upload system will verify that you did indeed follow the above 
constraints. If you did not, the video will be transcoded first (but 
this will take longer).

Again, please make sure that the length of your recording is strictly 
shorter than the length of your talk slot. It is strongly suggested that 
it is also shorter than the length of your talk slot minus 10 minutes 
(reserved for Q&A). FOSDEM 2021 works on a strict broadcast schedule. 
The system will ruthlessly cut your talk off at the end of your slot.

Content hints: Please do not overload your slides. Make sure everything 
is readable when scaled down slightly.

Upload: You should be able to upload your recording through 
https://penta.fosdem.org in the upcoming days. In your account, you will 
find a TODO item.

Some tutorials for recording the talks [2]:

(1) Using the OBS Studio to record your talk: 

(2) Another video tutorial for OBS Studio: 

(3) Using ZOOM to record your talk: 

(4) Most other videoconferencing tools (e.g. Jitsi) also allow to do a 
solo call with screen sharing and provide a built-in recording facility.

To recap, this is the current schedule of the devroom:

Begin | End   | Speaker           | Title
10:00 | 10:10 | Martin Decky      | Welcome and Introductioon
10:10 | 11:10 | Gernot Heiser     | The seL4 Report
11:10 | 11:55 | June Andronick    | The seL4 Foundation
11:55 | 13:05 | Renzo Davoli      | libioth
13:05 | 13:45 | Norman Feske      | Pluggable Device Drivers for Genode
13:45 | 14:25 | Anastassios Nanos | Hardware Acceleration for Unikernels
14:25 | 15:05 | Simon Kuenzer     | Is the Time Ripe for Unikernels ...
15:05 | 16:05 | Martin Decky      | State of Microkernels in 2021

[1] https://github.com/FOSDEM/video/wiki/FOSDEM-2021-video-email-to-speakers

Best regards

Martin Decky

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