[Open-source-gamedev-devroom] Please submit proposals for talks!

Nils Kneuper crazy-ivanovic at gmx.net
Tue Dec 6 23:49:37 CET 2011

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Hi everybody!
It would be really great if you started submitting your proposals. Yes, the
slides and every tiny detail don't have to be perfect for sending stuff in. So
far I mainly heard from some Wesnoth people that they would be willing to do
something and I myself can mainly talk about Wesnoth and that's about it
(okay, possibly some OpenPandora thingie, no idea how to best fit that in...).
So I really need *your* help and you submitting your talks. Please don't wait
till the last minute with your submissions.

A submission should include the following information:

- - Their speakers name
- - The project they are associated with
- - A (short) bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name
- - (optionally) a picture of themselves
- - The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the booklet)
- - A (short) abstract describing the session in further detail.
- - The desired approximate duration for the session.
- - The desired timeslot in which they want to hold the session.

Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
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