[Open-source-gamedev-devroom] Please submit proposals for talks!

jeremy rosen jeremy.rosen at enst-bretagne.fr
Wed Dec 7 17:06:56 CET 2011

> A submission should include the following information:
> - - Their speakers name
Jeremy Rosen (Boucman)

> - - The project they are associated with
Battle for Wesnoth

> - - A (short) bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name

Jeremy Rosen is a Software engineer which has been active in the open
source community since 2004. He is one of the oldest developer still
active in Battle for Wesnoth and has been observing this community
grow from a small developer community to it's current status.

> - - (optionally) a picture of themselves

> - - The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the booklet)
Balancing a game : the open source way

> - - A (short) abstract describing the session in further detail.
Battle for Wesnoth has a reputation for being a balanced game, but it
tooked many years to get there.

This was a long learning process, not only to get a balanced game, but
also to learn how to use the resources available specifically to open
source software and use them in the best possible way to reach a game
that is challanging without being impossible and fair to all players

> - - The desired approximate duration for the session.
> - - The desired timeslot in which they want to hold the session.

> Cheers,
> Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
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