[Open-source-gamedev-devroom] Talk proposal: Community based translations of games - why babelfish ain't enough

Nils Kneuper crazy-ivanovic at gmx.net
Sat Dec 8 14:53:43 CET 2012

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Hi everybody!
To finally get the ball rolling in regards to talks for the games devroom I
will now send my proposal based on popular demand from last years devroom.

> - Their name
Nils Kneuper

> - The project they are associated with
The Battle for Wesnoth

> - A (short) bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name
Nils, in the community better known under the nick 'Ivanovic', has been part
of Wesnoth for many years and is by now one of the most senior project
members. He started as normal translator and later became internationalization
manager as well as release manager for the project. Beside this he also
maintains the port to the OpenPandora and handles some other tasks in the project.

> - (optionally) a picture of themselves

> - The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the
> booklet)
Community based translations of games - why babelfish ain't enough

> - A (short) abstract describing the session in further detail.
The battle for Wesnoth is in the rare position of being an open source game
project featuring many different translations for its huge amount of content.
Currently Wesnoth features 54 translations of which 15 translations of the
stable series are more than 90% complete.

This session is about sharing the history behind this and factors which can
help projects gain a stable internationalization community. The talk will
focus on best practices which have shown themselves as working nicely for
getting the translation community started as well as keeping translators
happy. It might also show how the translation process is connected to the
release cycle and what common problems for game translations are.

> - The desired approximate duration for the session.
45' + questions

> - The desired timeslot in which they want to hold the session.
No preference.

Looking forward to seeing you at FOSDEM 2013 in Brussels!
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
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