[Open-source-gamedev-devroom] Proposal: Continuous Integration and Testing in Games

Thomas Kinnen nihathrael at unknown-horizons.org
Sun Dec 16 15:13:35 CET 2012

- - Their name
Thomas Kinnen

- - The project they are associated with
Unknown Horizons (http://www.unknown-horizons.org)

- - A (short) bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name
Thomas has been working on Unknown Horizons for over 5 years as project 
coordinator and programmer.
Besides his work on Unknown Horizons he is pursuing his Masters in 
computer science and
works at a company programming open-source software to measure and 
control software quality.

- - (optionally) a picture of themselves

- - The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the 
Continuous Integration and Testing in Games

- - A (short) abstract describing the session in further detail.
Continuous integration and testing are becoming an integral part of 
modern software development. Both aid in maintaining as well as 
improving code and software quality, making them invaluable in every 
development environment .
This talk will outline the systems used for continuous integration and 
testing by the Unknown Horizons project. Unknown Horizons has been using 
Jenkins CI together with a growing set of custom tests extensively in 
the past year and has been improving the test suite constantly. 
Different kinds of tests will be demonstrated to show how to test the 
game on different abstraction levels: Unit Tests, UI Tests and AI Tests.

- - The desired approximate duration for the session.
45 Minutes + Discussion

- - The desired time slot in which they want to hold the session.
Before lunch, preferably around 10-12. I might have to leave early in 
the afternoon on Sunday.
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