[distro-devroom] Info about submitted talk for FOSDEM 2025

Marina Latini marina.latini at suse.com
Mon Dec 16 19:16:45 UTC 2024

Hi Benny, hi all,
first of all, let me say thanks for all the precious work you are
doing behind the scenes for making this FOSDEM possible, it always
feels so good to meet so many skilled people and learn from all of

I'm writing because, after about 10 years attending FOSDEM as a user,
I finally made the step to submit a proposal to the devroom you are

I can imagine that you received a ton of proposals for the
Distributions DevRoom, and I was only wondering if I should just be
patient and wait a bit longer for your feedback because you are still
in the process of ranking and selecting the best options for your
DevRoom, or if the reject of my proposal got lost in the process.

My proposal was the one about Uyuni, an open source tool that can be
used for managing and configuring several GNU/Linux distributions.
Given that this is the first Uyuni talk at FOSDEM, I preferred to
introduce Uyuni and how it can be used by someone focused on
distributions that is also looking for a tool that can manage all of
I didn't specify in the abstract what it is required for enabling a
new distribution because I think that some initial knowledge on what
the tool is and what someone can do with it should be a prerequisite
for going into more technical view, but I can understand if you prefer
to give the stage to a different proposal.

Do you already know when you will communicate the decision about the
submitted proposals?
>From https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2024q4/003551.html it
looks like that the speakers were supposed to get some info on 6
Of course, if you have any questions about my proposal, please, let me know.

Thanks again for all your work and see you in any case at FOSDEM!

Happy hacking and have a lot of fun,

Marina Latini
Release Engineer

SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
Frankenstr. 146, 90461 Nuernberg Germany
Geschäftsführer: Ivo Totev, Andrew McDonald, Werner Knoblich (HRB
36809, AG Nürnberg)

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