[FOSDEM] [devroom-managers][CfP] Open Research Devroom

Sara Petti sara.petti at okfn.org
Wed Nov 15 10:34:25 UTC 2023


We invite developers and users of open tools and technologies used in a
research and investigation context to contribute to the 2024 edition of
FOSDEM <https://fosdem.org/>, the largest open-source conference in Europe.
We understand research as the general process of knowledge production and
inquiry. This includes scientific research, investigative journalism, data
journalism, OSINT, as well as research and investigations undertaken by
NGOs, civil society, community and activist groups, etc.

We seek talks about:

   - New releases of open source software. Introduce a new tool or
   infrastructure about knowledge production or management. We appreciate
   context about the project, at the crossroads of open source software and
   open science.
   - Present and/or ask for feedback on open technology stacks used in a
   knowledge creation or production project (research, journalistic inquiry,
   archive creation or publication…) which collects, analyses, treats,
   documents, visualizes, and/or shares data.
   - Discuss tool design and implementation that enhance the understanding
   and literacy of inquiry outputs: data visualisation techniques and issues,
   knowledge access and exploration means. E.g., how to hold an algorithm
   accountable to social scientists; how to foster better reproducibility and
   interoperability thanks to FLOSS; or how to cope with biases of a chart for
   a data journalist.
   - Contribute to the debate about bridging tech culture with research and
   investigative environments (data journalism, investigative journalism,
   activism and academia), including tips and best practices for navigating
   tensions, as well as the contribution of the open source movement to
   research and investigations sustainability through organizational hosting,
   funding for projects, support and maintenance, etc.)
   - Share your experience about building open source devices or
   communities across a variety of research and investigative contexts.

We welcome talks from various research and investigative contexts: research
labs, libraries, newsrooms, museums, hackerspaces, maker labs, community
and activist groups. We welcome your experience on various topics: open
science, open data, commons, research on research, sustainability… Any
subjects related to open source technologies in research contexts are
welcome even if not in this list.

You will find a summary of what happened in our devroom the first two years
in this blog post: reticular.hypotheses.org/1825
Event and talks format

Our official devroom consists of 6 hours of talks held physically in
Bruxelles. In addition, we will hold an *unofficial* session consisting of
about 4h of online talks.

*Note: The online session will not be appearing on the FOSDEM website;
that’s why it’s unofficial.*
1. Talks

   - Lecture talks (normal talks) will last *25 minutes max*, followed by 5
   minutes for questions and changing speaker. A 20/10 split also works.
   - Lightning talks will last *15 minutes max* or a bit less if you want
   room for questions.

Talks have to be *in English* and will be recorded and later on published
under Creative Commons CC-BY licence on the FOSDEM video recordings archive
<https://video.fosdem.org/>. The unofficial, online talks will also be
recorded and published, but somewhere else (more on this soon).
2. Event format

The FOSDEM will be entirely physical this year (in Bruxelles), and our
online session will be held unofficially one week later. All the talks can
be seen online via a stream.
HOW TO SUBMIT1. Important dates:

   - Proposal Deadline: 10 Dec 2023 23:59 CET
   - Accepted talk announced: 2023-12-15
   - FOSDEM Conference: Saturday 3rd Feb 2024 morning + afternoon at
   Université libre de Bruxelles, Solbosch campus.
   - unofficial online session: Saturday 10th Feb 2024 hours to be precised
   - Submit early if you can!

2. Submissions

Must include:

   - Title
   - Abstract
   - Description
   - Talk licence: FOSDEM is an open-source software conference, please
   specify which OSI approved license your proposal uses.
   - Speaker name, contact, biography and availability

Can include:

   - Submission notes: write if you want to give a Lightning talk or
   Lecture here. Add any other details as needed (visible only to devrooms
   - Session Image: Use this if you want an illustration to go with your
   proposal. Please do not upload files larger than 10.0 MB.
   - Additional speaker: you can add co-author
   - Extra review material: private materials you want to show to reviewers

Please make sure to add links to relevant online materials (such as
website, publications, code ripository…) to either abstract or extra review

To get inspired on possible abstracts style, length and format, you can
read previous edition talks on FOSDEM archives:

   - Open Research @ FOSDEM 2023
   - Open Research @ FOSDEM 2022
   - Open Research @ FOSDEM 2021
   - Open Research @ FOSDEM 2020

3. How to submit for the PHYSICAL talks (Pretalx tips)

For the official, physical session, the submission process is managed in
the Pretalx system used by the FOSDEM conference. You must create an
account in the system to submit (Pretalx replaces the previous pentabarf
system you need to create a new user account). Once logged in, select
“submit a CFP” and select the “Open research” track.

Apply for a *physical* talk: https://pretalx.fosdem.org/fosdem-2024/cfp

If you have any issues with Pretalx, do not despair: contact us at
open-research-devroom-manager at fosdem.org.

Follow us on Mastodon (@FosdemResearch at fosstodon.org)
<https://fosstodon.org/web/@FosdemResearch> for updates and announcements.
4. How to submit for the ONLINE session

Send an email to us with your submission. Just write in the email the
necessary information (see point 2. above).

Apply for an *online* talk: open-research-devroom-manager at fosdem.org
About the Open Research devroom

The Open Research devroom addresses FLOSS
<https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/floss-and-foss.en.html> developers in a
broad community concerned with research production and curation:
scientists, engineers, journalists, archivists, curators, activists. The
tools and technologies targeted are typically creating, handling or sharing
knowledge artifacts: data, academic papers, books, collections, web
contents, algorithms, artworks. This devroom provides a place and time to
discuss the issues related to the creation and usage of open research
technologies, with the ambition to foster discussions between designers,
developers and users, bridging multiple knowledge-based communities
together, and with the broader FLOSS community.

The Open Research devroom aims to:

   - Allow knowledge-based tool developers to publicize their effort and
   become aware of other FLOSS projects.
   - Facilitate the pooling of coding efforts on (often poorly funded)
   - Create a network where otherwise isolated developers, research
   engineers can share common FLOSS concerns.
   - Provide social recognition for people who work in fields where
   designing and developing tools is less considered than usual outcomes (e.g.
   not publishing papers in research, not writing investigation in data
   journalism, etc).

For more content information, you can also read about the state of the
conversation <https://reticular.hypotheses.org/1825> in the devroom in
What is the FOSDEM?

The FOSDEM (Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting) is
a non-commercial, volunteer-organized European event centered on free and
open-source software development. It is aimed at developers and anyone
interested in the free and open-source software movement. It aims to enable
developers to meet and to promote the awareness and use of free and
open-source software.

   - Anne Lee Steele
   - Célya Gruson-Daniel
   - Diego Antolinos-Basso, research engineer at the médialab
   <https://medialab.sciencespo.fr/> and the CEVIPOF
   <https://www.sciencespo.fr/cevipof/>, Sciences Po Paris
   - Luisa Orozco, Research Software Engineer at the Netherlands eScience
   center <https://www.esciencecenter.nl/>.
   - Mathieu Jacomy, assistant professor at the Tantlab
   <https://www.en.culture.aau.dk/research/research-groups/tantlab> in
   Copenhagen and designer of Gephi <https://gephi.org/>.
   - Maya Anderson-González
   - Paul Girard, Human Data Interfaces engineer at OuestWare
   - Sara Petti, Network Lead at Open Knowledge Foundation
   - Victor Daussy-Renaudin
   - Violeta Menéndez González, PhD student in Computer Vision at
   University of Surrey and BBC R&D
   - Yo Yehudi

Contact us: open-research-devroom-manager at fosdem.org
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