Talk Proposal: Operator Overloading for Java - Hack or Fiction?

Mahmoud Abdelghany blackbeard334 at
Sat Nov 30 22:36:28 CET 2019

TL;DR - a talk about an operator overloading side-project.

How do you compare apples and oranges? overload the operator(s).

Operator overloading is one of those things that is absurdly useful for certain types of programming(math oriented stuff obviously), and yet the term double edged sword would be the understatement of the decade if it was used to describe it.

As someone who has had to bear the brunt of the lack of operator overloading whilst doing the aforementioned types of programming, I decided that the benefits far outweigh the consequences, and concluded that I should see if I could do something about it.

Needless to say…~~the beast was stunned~~ it turned out to be a very difficult problem to solve. Can’t say I’ve solved it 100%, but come watch the blooper reel, and the fruits of my labor.

Recording: sure
Bio: TBD
Twitter: @blackbeard0x14e


Mahmoud Abdelghany

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