[Microkernel-devroom] [TALK-PROPOSAL] File system policies and why we (have to) reinvent them

Jiří Zárevúcky zarevucky.jiri at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 12:42:39 CET 2012

Hello. Sorry about such a late proposal.
I wasn't quite sure whether I want to propose the talk.

File system policies and why we (have to) reinvent them

[Full Name]
Jiří Zárevúcky

[Short Bio]
Jiří is a computer science student and a small contributor to the
HelenOS project with interest in making software safe using any
means available. He participated in GSOC'11 creating portions of
HelenOS' POSIX compatibility library and porting PCC compiler to it.
He works on a bachelor's thesis designing and implementing a new
VFS server for the HelenOS system.

The talk presents the problems usually encountered in contemporary
operating systems due to flawed or outdated file system concepts.
One of possible different approaches is then presented and
demonstrated using a VFS server that I am currently developing for
HelenOS as my bachelor's thesis.

The talk is centered around using dynamic, per-task namespaces that
are able to express access permissions for applications as well as
conventional user accounts, without any explicit concept of user or
task identity, and without support from endpoint file system drivers,
which can then be simplified.

Although not strictly included in the topic of the talk, I might also give
some space to the implementation issues, as the VFS server is
developed using the Go programming language, departing from
the usual practice of writing essential system components in C.

[Estimated duration]
30 minutes + discussion

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