[Open-source-gamedev-devroom] FreedroidRPG talk proposal @FOSDEM

Arthur Huillet ahuillet at freedroid.org
Mon Dec 19 22:15:25 CET 2011


I am happy to propose a talk for the games devroom.

- - Their name

Arthur Huillet

- - The project they are associated with


- - A (short) bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name

Arthur Huillet has been taking down the average age in various open source
projects since 2004, but he remained faithful throughout the time to his first
true love: a role playing game called FreedroidRPG. His occupation is to design
a high performance computing offer based on open source software, which has him
use a various range of low-level skills, some of which acquired through work on
FreedroidRPG and the Nouveau reverse-engineered nVidia driver.

- - (optionally) a picture of themselves


- - The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the booklet)

"Anatomy of a role playing game"

- - A (short) abstract describing the session in further detail.

This presentation will walk the audience through the design principles of an
isometric role playing game engine. The specimen to be dissected is an actively
developed yet fully playable game called FreedroidRPG. A general presentation of
the game will be made, before the architecture of its engine is exposed.
Examples of good and bad design decisions will be provided, and the way to
pull out of ugly situations without compromising stability explained. The
game covers most of its objectives but some open questions remain which will be
exposed to the audience.

- - The desired approximate duration for the session.

45-55 minutes, with : 10 minutes demo (video rather than live demo), 30 minutes
presentation, then questions.

- - The desired timeslot in which they want to hold the session.

In the morning would be great. But I assume this can be discussed at a later
A. Huillet
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