[FOSDEM] matrix accounts on fosdem.org ... do they stay?

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Tue Feb 9 00:51:44 UTC 2021

On Monday, February 8, 2021, Richard Hartmann <richih at richih.org> wrote:

> A middle ground might be to keep it running for a week, then archive
> it and re-use next year.


* how much effort was it to set up?
* clearly it was successful (brilliantly do), do people want to go through
the setup cost again?
* continuity: will people be pissed if next year they have to set up a new
fosdem account?
* is there any way the service, now established and proven, could be
offered to *other conferences*? (not at zero cost obviously)
* or, would something better come along by next year, and all of the above
is moot?

given how frickin good it was, i mean, why not actually set it up as a CIC
(Community Interest Company) just like lowRISC and actually charge it out
to other conferences, commercial or Free Software?

one conference i presented at a few months back, they were so unsupportive
because they'd used some proprietary system, and i couldn't log in and get
audio running, i couldn't participate in chat with other attendees and
couldn't attend Q&A.

another, their default chat system was slack for god's sake!  again:
discriminated against for not accepting slack's terms and conditions.

matrix, jitsi, elements.io on android and web browser combined, along with
bridging ro IRC, works spectacularly well and is inclusive in ways that
other conference systems have not been able to achieve.

*this is a really valuable business service*


crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
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